CBD has become the talk of many petowners in recent years. Some people know it as cannabidiol, and it is indeed related to the cannabis plant. The main thing you need to know is that many people use it to relieve some symptoms caused by diseases, like scoliosis and inflammation of the joints.
That is the main reason why people use cannabidiol oil, but there’s much to learn about it.
Talking About Cannabidiol and Its Uprising
Cannabidiol is mostly produced with the hemp plant, which is related to the cannabis plant in a certain way. They both contain similar compounds, yet cannabis is well known for containing higher levels of THC, which is the reason why people use it for recreation since it usually gets people high.
Although cannabis can also be used for medical reasons, some people might not want the idea of getting themselves and their pets high, so cannabidiol is recommended. You see, cannabidiol merchandise tends to have a strict regulation: they cannot contain 0,4% THC or more.
This makes it pretty safe for both people and animals. Animals can’t stand THC the same way humans do, so this is very important to keep them safe while consuming said products.
Thanks to the acceptance and the fame CBD has obtained through the years by people claiming it to be a miraculous alternative to traditional medicine and drugs, the industry is expected to grow quite a lot during the coming years. If you are interested in its early years and uprising, I recommend you to check the article mentioned in this segment. https://www.medgadget.com/2019/11/cbd-market-growth-statistics-cost-structure-analysis-sales-projection-future-insights-and-global-cbd-industry-analysis-by-2026.html
Still, Some Questions Remain Unclear
Something you need to know about it, though, is that research focused on CBD, its benefits, side-effects, and efficiency is still far from complete. Even more when it comes to animals and pets.
Research has been done proving that it can help people with epileptic seizures, and some facilities have started to use it to help people deal with pain during the recuperation of several diseases like cancer and kidney complications. It doesn’t help them recover faster, but it helps them relieve their pain.
There’s Lot of Proof Online Though
The main reason why most people, including pet owners, are willing to trust CBD related products is because of its sudden uprising at online stores. If you look for reviews and testimonials, you’ll find several people claiming that it has helped them with their problems, including pain, anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation.
For pet owners, CBD can help their pets with a wide range of symptoms. Senior dogs, for example, are prompt to suffering from inflammation and joint pain. This can affect their mobility, which can be slowly recovered thanks to cannabidiol.
Is It As Safe As People Portrayed It?
There was a study conducted in people suffering from epileptic seizures. This study revealed that, out of 214 patients, they reduced seizures by up to 32%, and only 12% of the subjects suffered from side-effects.
In comparison to the side-effects caused by long-term use of drugs aiming to provide similar benefits, the after effects of consuming cannabidiol oil during this research were pretty harmless. Some of them suffered from diarrhea and vomiting, while others just had dry mouth, anxiety, and a lack of appetite.
These side-effects were easily controlled by reducing the dose, though, so knowing which dosage is the right one will help you avoid them.
Now, when it comes to pets, research is long from being clear about its effects. People online claim that the side-effects are pretty similar that those produced in humans, though, which gives you a clear idea of how great it is in comparison to drugs.
Is It Legal?
Most places in the US allow the use of medical CBD. It is the same for pets. You can even find different variations of products such as dog and cat treats. If you are interested, you should view this website to know more. It contains a lot of useful information that might help you understand it better. You can also ask any questions regarding its legality if you have them.
Is There Any Difference Between CBD Oil for Humans and Animals?
There’s little to no difference, to be honest. The benefits are pretty much the same, but it is recommended that you use products aimed for animals when talking about your pets, just in case.
Little Advise
As a personal recommendation, if you are first-timer, you should try using treats and food instead of oils. Ointments for inflammation and joint problems are great, too.
You see, most side-effects caused by CBD products are caused by a miscalculation in the dosage. There’s a lot to consider when it comes to the dose, like size, weight, breed, and diet. Since dog treats are way more manageable, deciding for the right dose can be much easier.
Starting with a small dosage and going from there as a guiding line will help you out when deciding how much you should give to your pet. Larger breed of dogs should consume more, while small breed of dogs and cats should start with really small doses.
Keeping your pet hydrated and well fed will help you reduce the risks of it suffering from after effects, and being attentive about the behavior of your pet will help you notice any weird or unusual hint that might lead you to think that something is wrong. You should be really attentive during the first week since it is the trial period. After that, you’ll probably have managed to get the right dose, so no problems should arrive.
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