Springtime is a great season to start changing things up in your life. It is the season of spring cleaning, so many are taking to their closets and cabinets to get rid of everything they do not use in favor of having more space. Many also like to do a reconfiguration of their skin and hair care routines to freshen up their look and make sure they are staying on track to achieve glowing, beautiful skin and voluminous healthy hair.
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to pay more attention to the upkeep of your hair and skin, springtime is a great time to reassess where you are and potentially make some additions or subtractions from your routines. If you are looking for changes to make to up your esthetic game, keep reading for five lovely tips.
1. Exfoliate Your Skin More
Coming out of the dry, cold winter months, your skin may need a little more TLC than you are typically used to providing it. Dry air means more dryness and roughness on your skin, so incorporating an exfoliant into your skincare routine can help to buff away that dry, dead skin and reveal fresh youthful skin beneath.
You can either use a physical exfoliant, like a face scrub or washcloth when cleansing your skin, or you could go for a chemical exfoliant, such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or retinol. Salicylic acid has also been shown to be an acne-fighting agent.
2. Renew Your Skin’s Glow
When you’re through with the exfoliating step of your new skincare routine, it is time to get your skin’s moisturized glow back. Using CBD oil or another CBD product can work to reduce inflammation and increase the skin’s moisture levels. If you’re nervous about using CBD, remember that CBD is just short for cannabidiol, which is part of the marijuana cannabis plant that has no THC in it at all.
That means you will not receive the same sort of side effects as you might with pure THC. If you’re still not sure, start reading CBD oil reviews, which share many stories about its positive effects in skincare. For most CBD products, you do not need a prescription as you would with medical marijuana or other medication for the skin, but you should always make sure you review state laws.
3. Protect from Harmful UVB Rays
With spring and summer months approaching, you will need to make sure you protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UVB rays by utilizing a high SPF sunscreen each day. Even if you don’t think you will be in direct sunlight, it’s important to use an SPF with an adequate dosage of protection.
4. Incorporate a Hair Mask
Winter doesn’t just dry out your skin, it dries out your hair too! If you want to renew the body, bounce, and luster of your locks, consider incorporating a moisturizing deep conditioning hair mask in your weekly haircare routine. Your strands will definitely thank you.
5. Bump Up Your Hair Game With a New Look
Spring is a time of new growth, which means it is also a wonderful opportunity to try out a new look. Perhaps you want to go for a big chop and style a bob with short hair, or maybe you’re a looking for more length to your hairstyles. Try a ponytail extension to elevate your look and get that long sleek voluminous ponytail you have dreamed of.
Hair extensions for ponytails can be made with either fake hair or human hair, so you can get an extension that works the best for you. If you are tired of your traditional ponytail, hair extensions can make you feel like a fresh new person.