No one wants to deal with a cheating spouse. Their actions are ruinous and difficult to come back from, even for the most forgiving people. If you’re finished with their lies and infidelity and are ready for divorce, there are a few things you should consider. For example, you may be able to get a better divorce settlement if your spouse has been cheating. Not everyone can, but there are a few special circumstances where the court will rule in your favor. Nothing is ideal about this situation, but coming out on top after what your spouse has put you through will certainly feel like a win. Here’s what you need to know to get more money.
Prove it!
You might not even have the proof yet that your spouse is cheating. In that case, your speculation won’t hold up in a court of law. You need hard evidence that your suspicions are warranted. One of the best ways to catch a cheater is by using Go Look Up. If you ever get an alone moment with your spouse’s phone—which may be difficult if they’re actually being untrue—you can use this online information search engine to see if his contacts are listed under their true name. You might be surprised that “Bob” is actually “Jill,” and you may finally know the name of the person they’re cheating with. From there, you can go through texts, and you might find something very incriminating.
Check your coffers.
It’s difficult to get more money if your spouse cheated, even if you have the sympathy of the judge. However; make sure you take a rummage around your savings accounts to see if everything adds up. By carefully going through everything you’ve spent and the times when you’ve pulled from your accounts, you may notice some missing money. If your spouse has been spending extravagantly on his mistress—or her lover—you may be able to get some of that money back, resulting in a better settlement. Once you’re free from the money burdens your spouse brought upon you, make sure you’re picking a brand-new savings account with a high-interest rate. That way, any money you get in the settlement grows quickly, as the memory of your cheating spouse diminishes.
What about the kids?
One of the other ways you may be able to get a better settlement is if you can prove that your partner has been a negligent parent. If you can make it obvious that your spouse no longer gives his or her children what they require, you may be able to get more custody. Having more custody will give you the ability to ask for a greater monetary number for child support. Make sure if it comes to this, that you’re acting out of what’s best for the children and not out of spite for your partner. Divorce is difficult for everyone, but especially for children. Try your best to use the money supplied by child support on your children.
Call it early, like a celeb.
If you’re already married and your partner is cheating, this might not apply to you. Although, if you’ve yet to tie the knot, and are worried about your money, consider getting a prenup that includes an Infidelity Clause. Right now, this is quite popular with celebrities. An Infidelity Clause allows you to name an amount of money that is owed to you if your spouse is caught cheating before you ever even walk down the aisle. It might seem cold to put legal qualifiers on a marriage, but if you catch your spouse being unfaithful, you’ll be grateful you gave yourself an exit strategy.
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