At your home the last thing you want to worry about is pests. Unfortunately, they can show up anywhere, even when you do you best to keep your home clean. If you find bugs or pests at your house, don’t panic! If you are unsure of what to do you can always call an exterminator. But before you do that, try some of these tips and tricks to get rid of them yourself.
Before deciding on what method you need to use you should try and identify the pest that is present. This is critical as some methods do not work with certain pests. If you are unable to identify the pest then you should contact a Pest Control company as they will be able to identify the bug or animal and determine the best path forward for removing or exterminating the problem.
If you are looking for non-chemical methods of solving your issue these are some of the best natural pest control methods out there.
Natural Products
The first is to make a paste out of baking soda and water and apply it to the affected areas.
You can also try using lemon juice or vinegar as these are both acidic and will kill many bugs on contact.
If you have ants, try sprinkling some cinnamon around the affected area. The cinnamon will disrupt the ant’s ability to communicate and they will eventually die off.
You can also try using coffee grounds. The caffeine in the coffee will kill the bugs and pests on contact.
There are also a number of plants that act as natural pest repellents. These include lavender, peppermint, and rosemary. You can either plant them around your property or place them in pots inside your home.
Other non-chemical Methods
If you’re not a fan of natural methods, don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to get rid of pests without using chemicals.
One way is to use ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency, high-pitched sound waves that pests can’t stand. There are also traps you can use, like glue boards or snap traps.
For bigger pests like mice or rats there are a variety of traps you can use that will not kill the animal but will allow you to catch and release them elsewhere.
Chemical Solutions
If these methods are not working there are a number of chemical solutions that you can try. Make sure you read the labels carefully and follow the directions before using any chemicals.
The first is to use insecticidal sprays. You can either purchase these at a store or make your own by mixing water and dish soap. You must be careful when using these sprays as they can be harmful to humans if not used correctly.
You can also try using baits and traps that contain poison. These are effective but you need to be careful as they can also be harmful to pets and children.
Pests can be a huge pain, but with a little patience and effort, you can get rid of them for good. Just remember to take precautions and be safe!
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