When you have kids at home, you’re bound to always have at least a few messy areas of your home throughout the day. While most of these messes can easily be cleaned up, if your children or other family members are particularly messy when it comes to food, you might find that you have bigger issues to deal with, like pests and ants.
If you’ve noticed that your home has more ants than you’d like to see there, here are three tips for dealing with ants inside your home.
Seal Off Your Home
The ants are getting into your house somehow. So to keep any more ants from getting inside than the ones that are already there, it’s a good idea to survey your home for any holes or cracks that you can seal up.
According to Lisa Jo Lupo, a contributor to The Spruce, although ants can get into your home from even the smallest cracks, there are certain areas around a home that are more common for letting in ants. Areas like around doors and windows as well as around any cables, wires, or pipes that go from outside to inside your home should be checked with extra caution. If you do see cracks or holes that you can fill, try using products like caulk or weather stripping to help you secure and seal off your home.
Call In A Professional
For the ants that are already in your home, there are a few options for how to get rid of them.
While you can take the DIY approach, there’s really no guarantee that anything you try will work. And along with this, some DIY approaches can even make your ant problem worse. So to give yourself the best chance of getting rid of your ants once and for all, it’s best to call in a professional. If you don’t have anyone yet on your mind, you can search online for pest control services Cooroy offers, for example.
With professional help, Chrissy Callahan, a contributor to Today.com, shares that you should see a big improvement in the number of ants around your home in about seven to ten days.
Make Cleanliness Your Top Priority
Once you’ve been able to get rid of the majority of the ants that were causing you issues at home, your top priority should now be to keep your home clean of anything that ants could view as food. This means cleaning up all food messes, spills, and crumbs as soon as the mess is made.
In addition to this, Jeanne Huber, a contributor to the Washington Post, shares that you also need to be careful with any pet food that you have around your house, as ants will be drawn to this as well.
If you’ve found ants in your house, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you deal with these pests.
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