When the cold weather starts to creep in and the boiler gets switched on, it is important that you have an eye on the energy bills for the coming months and what you should be doing in order to keep them down. You will want your home warm during the winter months of course but that is no reason to pay more than you have to for your energy usage. Through a smart approach you can make sure that your home heating is efficient and that your bills don’t spiral out of control during the winter months. To help us with some tips we spoke to the guys at South Bay Energy, who offered this advice.
The first thing to do in anticipation of the winter months is to ensure that your home heating system is firing on all cylinders. Whilst it is recommended that you get this serviced every other year, spending the money on an annual checkup makes much more sense and will ensure that your boiler, your radiators and the system on the whole is in good shape.
Windows and Doors
There is little point in having a fully functioning heating system if you are only going to allow that heat to walk right out the doors and the windows. This happens when either windows or doors are not properly sealed and it is important that you get this checked and remedied as soon as possible. Sealing can easily break and split over the course of the year owing to varying temperatures, so be sure that you have resealed all of these areas of the home.
Make sure that your heating is coming on at the right times during the day, and not being used when it just isn’t needed. For example if you are getting up each morning at 7 then you only need the heating to come at 6, not any earlier. Equally if everyone is out of the house by 9 then you don’t need the heating to stay on until 10 or later, make sure it is switched off by 830. The same goes for the afternoon when everyone will be getting home. Don’t have the heating on when you don’t need it.
If you have empty rooms in the home then make sure that the doors remain shut on those rooms throughout the winter months, and that you have turned off the radiator in that room. Again there is little point in using heat where it isn’t needed and this will save you a lot of money on your heating bills.
Dressing Up
As nice as it is to have a nice warm house, it isn’t always necessary to put the heating on. For example if you are at home alone, using just one room, then there are better options to keep you warm than firing up the heating system. Wearing extra layers, using a portable heater or putting the fire on will serve you much better than switching on the heating.
Follow these tips and save money on your heating bills this winter.
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