If you have kids that are finally getting to know on some school field trips this year, their teacher would probably love to have your help and support on the big day. However, if you’re not used to being around a large group of kids, the idea of helping chaperone a school field trip can be very overwhelming. Luckily, there are some simple things that you can do to help make this a successful experience for you and the rest of the class.
To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for going on your first school field trip with your kids.
Start Prepping The Night Before
In order to have a great, stress-free school field trip, you’re going to want to start preparing for the experience well in advance. Once you have all of the information from your child’s school and teacher, you’ll want to make sure that you have all the details down pat the day before the trip.
As you’re getting ready the night before, make sure you have a bag packed with everything you’ll need to bring. This could include things like water, snacks, a few bandages, some cash, and other necessities or items that you could use in an emergency. You’ll also want to make sure that you get lots of rest the night before so that you aren’t dragging all day when you’re supposed to be upbeat and helpful.
Dress Comfortably
As you’re getting ready for the field trip in the morning, you’ll want to make sure that you choose comfortable clothes. Especially if the field trip is going to last all day long and you’ll be up and going for a large portion of it, you’ll want to wear very comfortable shoes that you’ve already broken in well as opposed to the cute new leather shoes you just bought. The last thing you want to be dealing with while you’re a chaperone is blisters.
Along with wearing comfortable shoes, it’s also a good idea to dress in layers so that you can keep yourself at a safe and comfortable temperature regardless of how the weather might change or what you might be experiencing throughout the day.
Take Your Responsibility Seriously
While this might be a fun experience for you to have with your child and the other kids in their class, it’s important that you remember what your responsibilities are as a field trip chaperone and that you take those responsibilities seriously. The safety of part of the class is dependent on you, and you want to make sure that you’re watching over the children just as you’d want someone to watch over your own child.
If there are any rules that you’ve been given or suggestions that have been made to help everyone stay safe and have a great time, make sure you abide by those rules and put them into practice to the best of your ability.
If you’re going to be chaperoning your child’s school field trip for the first time, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do so successfully.
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