The spiritually inclined will often talk about signs from the universe as a way of validation for their own spiritual paths. Spiritual teachers like Teal Swan say that we cannot ignore these signs, which can be life-changing. So which of these signs from the universe should we pay attention to, and what exactly do they mean?
Let’s look at some of these signs:
Mild Deja Vu
Deja vu is a French term meaning ‘already seen.’ It’s a common experience of feeling sure that something has happened before, we’re just not exactly sure where. This is caused by our brain scrambling to find a memory and then realizing that it didn’t actually happen at all. According to the spiritually inclined people, however, this is our soul trying to send us a message about an important life lesson. It could be that we’re on the verge of coming across something meaningful in our lives.
Unexpected Outcomes to Events
We’ve all experienced this – you think about doing one thing, and then someone else does it instead, or something happens unexpectedly. Sometimes these instances can make us feel unsettled because they don’t fit into what we thought was happening according to plan. The spiritually inclined will say that when this occurs, your soul is trying to send you a message through the universe about where you need to pay attention in order to get what’s best for you. As much as we like having things go according to our own plan sometimes, there are circumstances where the universe has other plans.
Seeing the Same Number Over and Over Again
So you’re out running errands, and all of a sudden, you keep seeing the same number popping up everywhere, over and over again. This is another sign that spiritual teachers say we shouldn’t ignore. According to these guides, any number can be significant if we often see enough – especially 11:11, 12:12, or 1:11. However, according to them, 3:33 is one of the most significant numbers someone can see because it represents human growth and change. It could represent an important reminder about what’s going on in your life right now, which you should pay attention to. Or perhaps this message will come through loud and clear when’ve had such an experience three times, and it becomes too much to ignore.
Seeing and Hearing Things that Aren’t There
This is a sign which you definitely cannot ignore because we’re all at risk of going crazy if we do! According to spiritual teachers, this is caused by the frequency of our thoughts and the way our brain processes information as it comes in through our senses. Since we can’t filter out every misplaced thought as they happen, these ones start manifesting as images or sounds. This can be confusing for those who experience this type of thing because their mind is sending them messages that aren’t real, so they become frightened and confused by what’s happening around them. However, once the person calms down and stops worrying about it, they often find that the images and sounds eventually disappear.
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