We’ve all spent a lot more time at home than we’re used to during the past twelve months. During that time, many of us have started to find little things about our home environments that annoy us. We’ve begun to feel like it’s time to give the walls a fresh coat of paint or throw out all the living room furniture in favor of something new. Some of us have even started to think that we want a total change of scenery and we’d like to move house, but that isn’t possible for everybody! Instead, let’s talk about little changes that can make your living space start to feel new again.
We know it’s a cliche, but a change is often as good as a rest. The slightest difference to the arrangement of a room or the things in it can allow you to appreciate it in a new way. What once looked tired and dull suddenly becomes exciting again. Once you’re on a roll with making small changes, you find that you suddenly have new ideas about what to do with your new space, and you progress from there!
Not everybody has the budget to make wholesale changes to their home, and we understand that. That’s why we’re focusing on little things that can make a big difference. Without further ado, here are five easy tips and tricks for making a tired old house feel like a new one.
Buy New Wall Art
You probably don’t realize how much time you spend idly staring at the walls in your house – especially those in the rooms you spend the most time in. The more you do it, the more you notice things that annoy you – cracks, scuffs, outdated photographs, and the like. The good news is that you can transform a wall very easily in a way that doesn’t involve any painting or decorating. A good piece of wall art can transform the mood of a room and the people in it. It gives your room a focus point other than the television and introduces color where there was no color before. You don’t need to spend big money on this – we’re sure there are local artists in your area who would be thrilled if you bought from them. Alternatively, reproduction prints are available cheaply online. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, buy a canvas and a frame and make some of your own!
Get New Mirrors
A common problem with spending a lot of time indoors is that the internal dimensions of your home start to feel smaller than they really are. There’s an easy way to combat that – buy a mirror. In fact, buy several new mirrors! Aside from the fact that mirrors are always handy, a well-placed mirror is a tried-and-trusted way of making a space feel bigger. The walls no longer feel as solid or as restrictive, and that’s not the only bonus. You’ll also get more light into a room if you have a large mirror in it, as the mirror reflects the light back out into the room. Consider a long rectangular mirror behind your sofa or above the fireplace if you have one. Position it strategically, so it catches most of the light through your windows, and you’ll quickly find your room looks very different. In fact, home window tinting is a great way to filter light, add to ambiance and enhance your home.
Change Your Lighting
The way a room is illuminated plays a huge role in determining what that room feels like. A naked light bulb will always make a room feel slightly intimidating. We don’t imagine that many of you have naked lightbulbs in many rooms in your home, but you might have lighting arrangements that don’t do the space any justice. Even if that’s not true, it’s probably a while since you changed them. A glass lampshade will make your room a lot brighter without having to change the wiring at all. Don’t just think about going brighter, though – give yourself options. Floor lamps can make a room much more cozier at night. If you have the option, you might even want to consider adding a small skylight to let more natural light into a room that struggles to get much. You’re looking for a warm, natural feeling during the day and then mood lighting at night.
Create A Games Room
If your home is anything like hours, there will be a room in your house that you don’t know what to do with. It might be a spare bedroom that nobody ever sleeps in or a room that was supposed to become a study but has instead become a storage room. That’s wasted space. Instead, consider turning it into a games room. We don’t mean investing in arcade game cabinets and pool tables (unless you really want to) but put your games console in there with some comfortable chairs and a few other entertainment options. How much more fun would it be inviting friends round to play cards at a table rather than doing it remotely at online slots websites? Even if that’s not your thing and online slots are actually your preferred style of gambling, you could take your laptop or tablet into the room and play online slots in a space that suits the activity. A games room is really just an entertainment room, so whether we’re playing games on websites like Money Reels, PlayStation games, or watching a movie, having a room that’s dedicated to having fun improves the mood of your entire home.
Buy Some Houseplants
The word ‘lifeless’ is a word we come across often when we see people express their frustration with their living spaces. A great way to do away with a feeling of lifelessness is by introducing life into your home, and the easiest way to do that is to buy a few plants! Plants bring color and shade into your home, but that’s not all. They also help to purify stale air and generate oxygen on top of the pleasant aroma of the flowers that bloom from them. Flowers unfortunately don’t tend to last for very long after they’ve bloomed, but your local garden center should be able to point you in the direction of a range of long-living plants that should stick around for longer. There are even a few varieties that can live on indefinitely and don’t require much maintenance from you. Green fingers help, but they’re not necessarily a requirement!
We all get bored with our homes from time to time, but we often forget how easy it is to solve that problem. If the space around you is looking a little dull and uninspired at the moment, try one of the tricks we’ve listed above. You might be surprised at how much difference they make!
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