While your kids can make so many aspects of your life immeasurably better, they can also make certain things so much harder, too. One of the things that they can make more challenging is moving.
Especially when your kids are little, you might feel that they’re just in the way rather than being helpful with your move. So if you’re trying to sell your home to get ready for a move, here are three tips for readying your home to sell when you have young kids at home.
Pack Away Items That Make Big Messes
Packing up your house when you have little kids at home can make it hard to make any real progress on things like organizing, packing, and cleaning. And because your kids might want and need certain things to entertain them while you’re trying to get things done, it can be hard to know where you start with your packing.
One great option is to start with packing away kids toys or supplies that make big messes when your kids play with them. Things like arts and crafts supplies should be some of the first things you pack up of your kids’ belongings so that you don’t have to worry about getting new marker lines off the walls or glitter out of the grout.
Plan To Get Your Carpets Replaced
If your home has carpeting in it and you’re wanting to try to sell your house for top-dollar, you should seriously look into replacing your carpet as part of getting your home ready to sell.
While you might think that simply cleaning the carpet will suffice, kids can be especially hard on carpeting, and it’s often very obvious where stains or other inconsistencies are. So to help your home show better to potential buyers and to add some value to your property, replacing your carpet should be something you seriously consider.
Consider Using Your Kids To Your Advantage
For some neighborhoods or home buyers, having kids in the house can be a negative point. But if your home is in an area that’s already very kid-friendly, playing up the fact that kids have lived in the home before can be a huge selling point.
To best take advantage of this, consider staging your home to showcase the smaller members of your family and the spaces they inhabited. You can also share details about living in the home that make life easier with kids, like certain things being child-proofed or having a fully-fenced backyard.
If you’re trying to sell your home but are also dealing with having small kids at home at the same time, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get ready for this big transition and sell your home for the best possible price.
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