Wine collecting is an expensive hobby, there’s no doubt about it. However, it doesn’t mean that you should go all out, especially if you’re just getting started. There is a very high chance that you will make errors at the beginning. For instance, we recently read an article about natural wines and whether they’re a scam or not. As it turns out, these wines do have some attributes, but that doesn’t necessarily make them more valuable.
These are the types of nuances that you will need to understand before you start your collection. The people at Underground Cellar have a few tips on how you can start a great collection on a reasonable budget. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
Start Planning
You first have to evaluate what your actual budget is. Though it won’t be massive, you can start a respectable collection for under $1000. You will have to be wise with the wines that you pick, however. Instead of buying aged wines, you might have to buy them young and age them yourself. You will need to know how good the year was for this particular wine. And, if your goal is to age a wine, stay away from anything in the discount aisles as these are usually meant to be drunk immediately.
Mix Your Selection
You should also make sure that you mix and match your selection if you also want to enjoy your collection. Your cellar should consist of a good mix of bottles that you’ll be aging, and young, ready to drink wines. Some will advise that you go for 50% ready-to-drink bottles, or blue chips as they’re called, and 50% aging wines. These are wines you will be aging for at least 5 years as this is when they start to develop more character. Note that all wines will not get better as they age, however.
We also suggest that you stock for specific events in advance. The goal of a collection is also to have a good inventory on hand for any occasion, so timing your purchases will make sure that you won’t have to scramble at the last minute for the perfect bottle.
Look at Storage Options
There are many ways that you can store your wines. You can buy storage yourself, build a cellar room, or get someone to store them for you. All of these options have their pros and cons, but building your cellar is the most labor extensive. Some will even store their bottles in a cardboard box with blankets over it to block the sunlight, but this is not the best option.
Know what to Look for in a Bottle
Next, you have to know exactly what you’re looking for in a bottle. If it’s to drink, scores and your palate will be your best friend. If it’s as an investment, look at the history of the vineyard, the location, and scores again. Things like weather can also affect the supply of grapes and increase scarcity, which can make a wine more valuable.
So, if your goal is to start a wine collection with a modest budget, follow these few tips. Starting small is the best way to go as you’ll gain experience and become better at finding great deals.
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