Have you seen hemp oils for dogs on the market yet? The chances are that you probably haven’t as they are mainly sold online, with some stores slowly beginning to introduce them. Now if you are anything like I am, a conservative middle-aged lady, you may be somewhat surprised at the notion of giving cannabis to your dog. And you should be because we are not talking about cannabis or Mary Jane here, no we are talking about hemp tablets and oils which are made using CBD. CBD is a cannabinoid which is found in the male cannabis plant and it differs greatly from the cannabinoid THC, which is the one that people use to enjoy themselves, however I digress.
CBD is actually a miracle cure which we are finding out more about as each day passes, and when used in oil form, it can be wonderful to help treat our dogs for a huge range of health issues. If you aren’t convinced, listen to the issues which it can help your go to overcome.
Cancer Fighter
CBD oil has been scientifically proven to help reduce tumors in dogs and to boost their immune system to fight back against cancer cells. Some dogs have managed to cure cancer completely as a result of taking CBD oil and others have taken huge strides towards minimizing cancer cells which they have inside their bodies. If the development for CBD oils continues, we may be looking at a huge reduction in mortality rates for cancer sufferers.
It can be a nightmare to watch your dog suffer when there are fireworks outside or when the rain starts lashing down and many dogs have real anxiety issues when it comes to noise. Other dogs suffer from separation anxiety which can make it tough on the owners when it comes to leaving them alone. A dose of CBD oil however has shown in many studies to greatly reduce anxiety in pets and they do not even need very much in order to help them calm down. This not only helps out the owners but it greatly reduces the stress on your dog. After all, your dog is part of your family.
More than 5% of dogs will suffer from seizures which are either related to epilepsy or not, something which can be traumatic for both the dog and the owners. What could possibly be the answer to helping your pooch to stop with the seizures? You’ve guessed it, our new friend CBD oil which has recently been found to work miracles in dogs with epilepsy, helping to reduce the seizures by 100% in 80% of all cases.
These are just 3 of many health benefits which CBD oil can have on your pets, so it is time that you started to do a little more investigation and discover if the oil can help your dog with any health issues which they may have.
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