As a parent, one of the best things in life is when your kids start sleeping through the night. Not only does this mean that your little one is likely getting better sleep, but you’re able to get some solid sleep now as well. However, if your toddler isn’t sleeping through the night yet, or isn’t doing so consistently, you may find yourself desperate to make this happen.
To help you in doing this, here are three tips for getting your toddler to sleep through the night.
Go Back To Classic Sleep Training Techniques
When your toddler was a baby, you may have tried some sleep training techniques meant to help him or her learn how to soothe themselves back to sleep. And while you might have thought that sleep training was over, this isn’t always the case.
If your toddler has started waking up at night again, or hasn’t completely gotten the hang of sleeping through the night, Julia Savacool, a contributor to, recommends that you go back to some of the classic sleep training techniques. Specifically, you may want to try simply revisiting your child in their room if they wake up at night. When you notice on the baby monitor that they’re awake, go in briefly to help them calm down and then leave so they can fall back asleep on their own. While this might take a while to seem effective, it can help your child learn to go back to sleep quickly after waking up during the night.
Create The Right Sleep Environment
One reason why your toddler might have a hard time sleeping through the night could be because their room isn’t set up for the ideal sleep environment.
To create the optimal sleep space for your child, Marygrace Taylor, a contributor to What To Expect, recommends making sure that your child is physically comfortable by not being too hot or too cold. Also, you should consider adding a fan or other white noise machine in their room to block out any sounds that might be waking them up.
Be Consistent With Sleep Habits
What you and your toddler do prior to going to bed can have a big impact on how well he or she sleeps through the night. Knowing this, it’s vital that you’re consistent with your sleep habits.
Ideally, the Cleveland Clinic shares that your toddler should be going to sleep and waking up around the same time every day. Additionally, you and your toddler should go through the same routine each night leading up to going to bed, whether this means taking a warm bath, reading a bedtime story, or singing nursery rhymes.
If you’re having a hard time getting your toddler to sleep through the night, consider using the tips mentioned above to help everyone start to get more rest.
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