The world of casinos is actually incredibly complicated when you take a closer look at the various mechanics needed to make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible, and this is particularly true of the world of brick and mortar casino. You don’t often tend to really think about it, but behind the scenes in any given casino are many workers that really do not get the recognition they deserve. Though some players also enjoy playing at King Casino than playing in front of casino dealers.
You cannot have a casino without waiters, for instance, and the same goes for security personnel and cleaners. This is all true, however the most important worker in casino is actually the dealers, and they very rarely get any kind of recognition at all. Whilst these admirable people do get paid by casinos, the salaries aren’t often that great, and they also rely quite a lot on tips from gamblers. But when do you actually tip the casino dealer? Read ahead to find out.
After a lengthy winning streak
The most common time that casino gamblers will end up tipping the dealer is after they have experienced a rather lengthy winning streak, as it is only fair to give something back to the person who facilitated this. In fact, can you really imagine winning something like ten thousand dollars and not sparing a small fraction for the dealer? You would have to be pretty mean not to in our opinion…
It is very common to tip after you have won several hands in a row on something like blackjack, for example, and you might actually find yourself subject to a few stern looks if you do not do this. It is therefore important to remember about the humble dealer, especially after you have got lucky with several wins under your belt.
At the end of a game
People might look at you slightly weirdly if you try and tip a dealer in the middle of a casino game. In fact, this can look very dodgy indeed, and we certainly wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t want to be treated with the utmost suspicion by the casino in question. Instead it is good practise to wait until the end of a game before you tip the dealer.
It isn’t exactly urgent, is it? And 9 times out of 10 the dealer isn’t going to leave the table before the game has been played, in fact they probably never will. So take your time, set aside your dealer tip, and wait until the game has finished its conclusion before you give it to them.
If you are down to your last few chips
Most gamblers who have lost won’t end up tipping the dealer, however it is also pretty common for gamblers that are on their last legs financially to forfeit their last few remaining chips to the dealer as a chip.
Playing for the dealer
Sometimes it isn’t particularly practical to give the dealer a tip in the standard way, especially on games like roulette. In this scenario many people end up sticking a bet on for the dealer so they can get in on the action.
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