The first and essential food for a newborn baby is mother’s breast milk. However, not all mothers can feed their babies lumps. There may be many reasons: ignorance of the peculiarities of breastfeeding, problems with lactation, going to work quickly, certain features of the mother or baby, and so on. Mixtures are prepared to help in such cases.
The time has passed when you had to stand in long lines to buy a bottle of cereal for your baby at the “dairy kitchen”. Now you can buy formula in any supermarket, specialty store or pharmacy.
Doctors usually say that breastfeeding is the best and safest way to feed. No artificial baby formula is better in composition than mother’s breast milk.
But we must give credit to baby food manufacturers: they are constantly improving the composition of artificial formulas, trying to bring it as close as possible to mother’s milk. And if there are reasons why a woman cannot feed her baby, it is worth considering switching to specialized baby food.
The main advantage of infant formula is convenience. Artificial feeding allows parents to share feeding rights, especially beneficial when both are having a hard time sleeping during the first weeks and months of a baby’s life.
A young mother can also return to work after maternity leave if it is absolutely necessary. And, if a child is hungry in a public place, a bottle can be given without privacy concerns. Once mixed, the formula can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, although it should never be left at room temperature for more than an hour.
Because some substances can pass through breast milk, nursing mothers must pay special attention to the types of foods and liquids they consume. However, a formula-feeding mother can eat and drink as much as she wants.
Nursing mothers should also be careful about the types of medications they take because these substances can get into breast milk. Mothers who breastfeed their babies with formula can take medications without worrying about their effects on the baby.
All powdered EU milk formula substitutes for breast milk, depending on the degree of adaptation and purpose according to age, are divided into basic formula (for children from 0 to 5-6 months, or 0-12 months), next formulas (for children from 5 to 6 to 12 months) and non-standard formulas (for premature babies and infants with low birth weight). This section makes it easy for moms to choose a formula based on their baby’s age.
The amount of food is determined equally in both artificial and natural feeding. In order to prevent quantitative or qualitative underfeeding or overfeeding of the child with subsequent development of a pathological condition (hypo trophy, anemia, dyspepsia, rickets, etc.) It is necessary to clearly dose a single amount of food, very easily with artificial feeding.
Today, store-bought infant formula is tightly controlled for safety and can be recommended for mixed and artificial feeding. The composition of infant formula is carefully regulated by the World Health Organization.
Baby formulas are made mainly on the basis of cow’s milk. There are also certain formulas with goat’s milk and using soy. To understand the degree to which the formula is close to breast milk, you should carefully read the composition of the product on the back of the packet.
When fed with adapted formulas, the child’s need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and total calories is close to the natural diet. It is worth noting that adapted formulas contain vitamins, micronutrients, polyunsaturated fatty acids in a ratio similar to breast milk. That is why more and more mothers choose organic baby formulas for their babies. It is usually necessary to consult a pediatrician before choosing a formula.
American doctors say that the health and well-being of the younger generation is the basis for the development of a harmonious, well-rounded personality. To ensure that your baby has a carefree childhood, it is important to have a healthy diet and adequate levels of physical activity.
A great example of a high quality baby formula is the formula from HiPP and Holle. These brands have been making baby formula for decades, and they are known all over the world.
It is impossible to buy such a product on the shelves of American stores, but you can order it online at the website. Delivery of online products has become available all over the world. And people quickly get what they want.
And observing the statistics, we can confidently say that a large percentage of moms choose European baby formula and remain completely satisfied with its quality. They give positive feedback about them in social networks and advise other mothers to try them. After all, European mixes contain no traces of non-organic products or preservatives and are packed with a full range of vitamins and minerals close to breast milk.
So, in order for your baby to grow up healthy, smart, intelligent, and energetic, feed him or her foods that are appropriate for his or her age and needs. An excellent alternative to cow’s milk is infant formula. It is fully balanced with the baby’s needs. And most importantly, it contains an optimized protein complex, thanks to which the baby gets exactly as much protein as required by the body without undue stress on the immature organs. Living BL bifidobacteria help to strengthen the baby’s immune system, and the complex of sensible lipids plays an important role in the formation of the baby’s immune system and contributes to the development of the brain and vision.
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